The Death of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani: A Cautionary Lesson For Every Deceiver

The Death of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani: A Cautionary Lesson For Every Deceiver

Introduction: A Tale of Audacity and Accountability

In the annals of history, specific individuals stand out for their audacious challenges to established norms and collective beliefs. Mirza Qadiani, the founder of the Ahmadiyya movement, is one such figure whose claims and conduct stirred controversy throughout the Muslim Ummah. His rejection of the Finality of Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Prophethood, self-proclaimed status as a prophet, and reinterpretation of sacred texts earned widespread condemnation. This article examines his actions and consequences, presenting a cautionary lesson for every deceiver.

Challenging Core Beliefs: The Rejection of Finality in the Prophethood

Mirza Qadiani’s most antagonistic claim was his denial of the Finality of Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) prophethood. By declaring himself a prophet, he directly contradicted the centuries-old consensus of the Muslim Ummah. Furthermore, he reinterpreted key Quranic verses, particularly the title “Khatam-un-Nabiyyin” (Seal of the Prophets), to justify his self-proclaimed prophethood. This distortion of Islamic theology propagated disharmony and divided the Muslim Ummah.

Insulting Revered Figures and Sacred Teachings

Mirza Qadiani’s controversial rhetoric extended beyond theology. He made statements which showed disrespect to revered figures, including Prophets, Sahabah, and the family of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (Ahl-e-Bayt). His dismissive approach to the Quran and Hadith, coupled with efforts to reinterpret these sacred texts, was a blatant disrespect for their sanctity. These actions alienated him further from the Muslim Ummah, solidifying his reputation as a divisive figure.

Divine Justice: A System of Rewards and Consequences

Islamic teachings emphasize that while ultimate accountability lies in the hereafter, specific actions invite immediate consequences in this world. Mirza Qadiani’s audacity and defiance triggered such divine justice. His demise, marked by a painful struggle with illness, is evidence of this principle. Mirza Qadiani acknowledged that False claimants to divine revelation meet tragic and shameful ends. Ironically, his death mirrored this description, serving as a blatant reminder of the dangers of baseless spiritual claims.

The Suffering of His Followers: A Legacy of Affliction

The Ahmadiyya community, particularly its prominent figures, has faced a recurring pattern of suffering from unbearable illnesses, including strokes and paralysis. Mirza Qadiani’s second successor, Mirza Mahmood, endured a decade-long struggle with paralysis before his death. Such afflictions are viewed by many as a continuation of the divine judgment that began with Mirza Qadiani himself. These incidents underscore the profound consequences of deviating from the established truths.

Ahmad’s Final Days

“Brothers! As you all know, our beloved Imam and Mawlana, the Promised Messiah and Mahdi (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani), peace and blessings be upon him, had been suffering from diarrhoea for a long time. Whenever he engaged in intense mental work, the condition would worsen. This ailment was caused by indigestion, and since his heart was very weak, his pulse would often stop. He experienced a similar episode a few days prior during his stay in Lahore. Still, on the evening of May 25, after spending the entire day writing the article ‘Message of Peace’ and going for a walk, upon his return, the illness reoccurred. The same medicine he had previously used for strengthening his stomach was ordered and sent, but it proved ineffective. Around eleven o’clock, another episode of diarrhoea occurred, and his condition weakened considerably. He summoned me and Hazrat Khalifah Nuruddin Sahib. Strengthening medicines were administered, and with the thought that this illness had been caused by mental strain, it was hoped that rest and sleep would provide relief. We returned to our place, but between two and three o’clock, another severe episode of diarrhoea occurred, causing his pulse to stop entirely. He summoned me, Hazrat Mawlana Khalifah al-Masih Mawlana Nuruddin Sahib, and Khawaja Kamaluddin Sahib and called Dr. Mirza Yaqub Beg Sahib from home. When he arrived, the Promised Messiah called him to his side and said, ‘I am suffering from a severe bout of diarrhoea. Please suggest any medication.’ Treatment was initiated. As his condition had become critical, we remained close by while the treatment continued, but the pulse did not return. By 10:15 AM on May 26, 1908, the soul of the Holy Imam departed to meet his Beloved Lord.”

Dr. Syed Muhammad Hussain Shah Qadiani’s announcement was published in the newspaper “Al-Hakam,” Qadian, Extraordinary Issue, dated May 28, 1928.

“I asked my mother to confirm the story I had initially recorded, and when the topic of the Promised Messiah’s (Mirza Qadiani) death came up, my mother said that the first episode of diarrhea occurred when he had eaten food, but after that, for a short while, I kept massaging his feet, and he lay down peacefully and fell asleep. I also fell asleep, but after some time, he again felt the need, and probably once or twice, he went to relieve himself.


Afterwards, he began feeling much weaker, so he woke me up with his hand. When I got up, he was so weak that he lay down on the bed, and I sat beside him to massage his feet. After a while, he said, ‘You should sleep now,’ but I replied, ‘No, I will continue massaging.’ At that point, he had another bout of diarrhea, but now he was so weak that he could not make it to the bathroom. So, I arranged for him to relieve himself next to the bed, and he did so while sitting there. He then lay back down, and I continued massaging his feet, but his weakness had increased significantly.


Afterwards, he had another episode of diarrhea, followed by vomiting. When he lay down after vomiting, he was so weak that as he lay down, he fell onto his back, and his head struck the wooden frame of the bed. His condition worsened. I became anxious and said, ‘Oh Allah, what is happening?’ he replied, ‘This is what I had been saying.’ I asked my mother if she understood the Imam’s (Mirza Qadiani) intention. She said, ‘Yes.'”

— Mirza Bashir Ahmad, Sirat al-Mahdi, Part 1:11, Narration 12

According to Mirza Bashir Ahmad, the son of Mirza Qadiani, until late on the night of May 25, 1908, Mirza Qadiani’s condition was perfectly fine. However, in the early hours of the morning, his condition deteriorated. His body became so weak that after the final bout of diarrhea, he could not stand again. The last cycle of his life came, and he collapsed into his filth. He passed away on Tuesday, May 26, 1908, at around 10:30 PM. His body was placed in a freight car and sent to Qadian. The government later burned the coffin to prevent the spread of cholera in the area.

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani’s last days were marked by intense suffering. He gave away to a severe case of cholera, an illness he had often invoked as a divine punishment against his opponents. His words foretold his fate: “A false claimant to divine revelation meets a shameful death.” Contemporary accounts describe his deteriorating condition and the helplessness of his followers as they witnessed their leader’s demise. Even after his death, measures were taken to prevent the spread of disease from his remains, highlighting the grim reality of his end.

Conclusion: A Call for Reflection

The life and death of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani offer a compelling narrative of defiance and its consequences. For his followers, his demise should serve as a moment of introspection: Does the path they follow align with the core tenets of Islam? For others, his story is a powerful reminder of the importance of adhering to established truths and the dangers of deviating from them. It invites us all to reflect on the principles that guide our beliefs and actions, urging steadfastness in pursuing truth.

Let this story serve as a historical account and a lesson for future generations. Faith is about belief, accountability, and the courage to confront the truth.

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