
Defending the honor of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is considered a sacred duty for Muslims, rooted in Quranic injunctions and the teachings of the Prophet himself. The Quran emphasizes the importance of respecting and upholding the dignity of...
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The Meaning of Finality of Prophethood in Islam
The Meaning of Finality of Prophethood in Islam
The concept of the finality of Prophethood holds a central position in Islamic theology and belief. It refers to the belief that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the last and final prophet sent by Allah to humanity. This...
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Protest Against Quran Burning from India, Pakistan
Protest Against Quran Burning from India, Pakistan
“The desecration of the Holy Qur'an should prompt a global declaration of respect for Islam and its symbols” Paper burned: yes, Quran burned: NO! بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا ٱلذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُۥ لَحَـٰفِظُونَ ﴿ ۱۵﴾  (الحجر:9) Indeed, it...
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How many Pages are in the Quran
How many Pages are in the Quran
The number of pages in the Quran  is 604 pages 6236 ayat 114  Surah 30 juz Other academics disputed with Kufa's assertion that it has 6236 verses. Ibn-i Abbas claims there are 6616 verses in the Quran, whereas Nafi claims...
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  حضور ﷺ کا وقار اور آپﷺ کی سنجیدگی
  حضور ﷺ کا وقار اور آپﷺ کی سنجیدگی
حضرت خارجہ بن زید رضہ سے روایت ہےکہ جب  حضورﷺ لوگوں کے ساتھ بیٹھے ہوتےسب تمام لوگوں سے زیادہ آپﷺ باوقار نظر آتے اور آپﷺ کے ناک ، کان اور منہ سے کوئی چیز ظاہر نہ ہوتی یعنی آپﷺ بہت...
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حضور ﷺ کا زہد اور دنیا کا شوق نہ رکھنا
حضور ﷺ کا زہد اور دنیا کا شوق نہ رکھنا
آپﷺ کو دنیاوی مال و دولت کا کوئی شوق نہ تھا۔ آپﷺ کےسامنے اسلامی لشکر فتح حاصل کر رہے تھے لیکن آپﷺ کو دنیاوی چیزیں جمع کرنے کی کوئی خواہش نہ تھی اسی لئے جب آپﷺ دنیا سے تشریف لے...
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How Many Ruku in Quran?
How Many Ruku in Quran?
What is the function of Ruku ع in the Quran? The word ruku roughly translates to "passage," pericope, "or stanza. " It also mentions a group of thematically related ayat in the Quran. Lengthy Surahs are usually divided into several...
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Why was the Holy Quran sent in Arabic
Why was the Holy Quran sent in Arabic
The Quran was sent down in Arabic for a reason. The language of the Quran is one of its miracles, and it is unique to this Holy Book. In this blog post, we will discuss why the Quran was sent...
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Quran Verses About Hurting Others
Quran Verses About Hurting Others
The Quran is a powerful book that contains guidance for Muslims on how to live their lives. One of the most important aspects of Islam is treating others with kindness and respect. The following verses from the Quran discuss the...
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The High Islamic Council of Mali
The High Islamic Council of Mali Declare Qadianis As Non Muslims
The Qadiani Jamaat, on August 9th, the big international news came out in which a meeting of the supreme council of scholars of Mali, a country in Africa, was held and what is happening today is related to the Qadiani...
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Emaan e Kamil