Revealed Wisdom: Exploring the Interdependence of Quran and Ḥadith

Revealed Wisdom: Exploring the Interdependence of Quran and Ḥadith


The Quran and Sunnah are the foundational sources of Islam, forming the basis for its laws and beliefs. The Quran is regarded as the direct word of God, while the Sunnah encompasses the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) actions and statements, which are divinely inspired. Together, they provide comprehensive guidance for understanding and practicing Islam. The Hadith, or narrations about the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), serve as detailed reports that collectively form the Sunnah. Muslim scholars have historically relied on these sources to interpret Islamic teachings and establish laws.

All Islamic sects, despite their theological and legal differences, have acknowledged the necessity of using both the Quran and at least some Hadiths. This consensus highlights the importance of the Sunnah in clarifying and contextualizing the Quran’s teachings. The principle of consensus (ijma) further strengthens this reliance, as unanimity among scholars is viewed as an infallible indication of divine will.

However, in the 19th century, some movements began to question the authenticity and relevance of Hadith, advocating for a Quran-only approach. This shift stemmed from doubts about the historical preservation of Hadiths and their alignment with modern sensibilities.

Challenges and Misconceptions Surrounding Ḥadīth

The authenticity and authority of the Sunnah had long been central topics in the study of Hadith. Throughout Islamic history, scholars have carefully worked to distinguish the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) genuine statements from fabrications. While debates on the authenticity of specific narrations existed, outright rejection of the Sunnah as a valid source of guidance was rare until recent centuries.

In the last two centuries, a movement has emerged rejecting the authority of Hadith entirely. Proponents of this view often argue that the Prophet (PBUH) had no authority beyond delivering the Quran. Others question the preservation of Hadith, suggesting that reports about the Prophet’s (PBUH) words and actions lack the reliability of the Quran. This mistrust arises from fabricated narrations and conflicting reports in Hadith compilations. Critics argue that while Muslims are commanded to follow the Prophet (PBUH), the means to do so accurately may not exist.

Scholars like Ibn Ḥazm counter these claims, emphasizing that doubting the entire structure of Hadith undermines the divine wisdom of God. Ibn Ḥazm asserts that it would be inconceivable for Allah to command obedience to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) without ensuring the preservation of his teachings.

Another reason for rejecting Hadith lies in their perceived conflict with modern sensibilities. When read without proper context or scholarly guidance, certain narrations may appear problematic. Early Muslim scholars addressed many such issues by developing the science of Hadith to separate authentic reports from weak or fabricated ones. However, access to Hadith compilations today, through online platforms and translations, has exposed untrained individuals to complex texts without the necessary tools to understand them.

Yusuf Talal DeLorenzo, in his introduction to Adab al-Mufrad by Imām Bukhārī, highlights how traditional Islamic education prioritized years of training in disciplines such as Arabic, rhetoric, Islamic legal theory, and Hadith sciences before studying advanced compilations like Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī. These texts were never intended for the general public to study independently. Bypassing scholarly guidance often leads to confusion, misinterpretation, and even faith crises.

In today’s digital age, the internet has democratized access to Hadith literature, but often at the expense of nuanced understanding. DeLorenzo notes that reading Hadith without adequate preparation can result in spiritual trials and misunderstandings. In his book The Death of Expertise, Tom Nichols warns of the pitfalls of internet-driven learning, where people often seek confirmation for pre-existing beliefs rather than pursuing genuine knowledge.

To address doubts surrounding Hadith, it is vital to re-examine its status in light of the Quran, engage with scholarly explanations, and foster a systematic approach to Islamic learning. The challenges of misinterpretation should motivate deeper study, not abandonment of this essential source of Islamic guidance.

The Necessity of Ḥadīth: Preserving the Meaning of the Quran

The Quran, while central to Islamic belief, cannot be fully understood or implemented without the assistance of the Sunnah. The Quran provides broad principles and guidance, but many of its commands (such as prayer, pilgrimage, and commercial transactions) require further clarification. This clarification was provided by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through his words and actions, known collectively as the Sunnah. The Sunnah was not an afterthought; it emerged alongside the revelation of the Quran as an integral part of Islam’s legal and spiritual framework.

Consider the rituals of Islam, such as prayer (Salah). The Quran mentions prayer but does not specify its frequency, structure, or details. These were explained and demonstrated by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), forming a cohesive understanding that Muslims have followed for centuries. Without the Sunnah, even the fundamental practices of Islam would remain ambiguous, leading to confusion and inconsistency. For instance, those who reject the authority of Hadith differ significantly on the number and manner of daily prayers despite claiming to rely solely on the Quran.

Even the meanings of specific words in the Quran often depend on external sources, including the Sunnah. For example, the term ẓihar, referenced in chapter 58, verses 2-4, is defined in Hadith literature as a statement of irrevocable divorce. This understanding is essential for interpreting the Quran correctly. Without the Sunnah, one is left to only suppositions, often arriving at interpretations that lack consistency or coherence.

Texts, including the Quran, do not exist in a vacuum. They require context to be fully understood. The Quran references historical events, such as Badr, Uḥud, and Ḥunayn battles, and individuals like Zaid, expecting the reader to be aware of their significance. Without the historical and explanatory framework provided by the Sunnah, these references remain opaque, and the broader legal and spiritual lessons they impart become inaccessible.

Moreover, the very recognition of what constitutes the Quran relies on the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). His declaration identified specific verses as the speech of God, distinct from his own words. This process was additional to Quranic teachings, demonstrating the necessity of the Prophet’s authority in defining and preserving the Quran. To disregard His explanations and actions undermines the very foundation of the Quran’s authenticity.

The Quran asserts, “Indeed, We revealed the Reminder, and indeed, We will preserve it” (15:9). Scholars have interpreted this preservation to extend beyond the text of the Quran to include its meaning, which is safeguarded through the Sunnah. Ibn Ḥazm emphasized that God’s command to follow the Prophet (PBUH) necessitates preserving His explanations, ensuring that the Quran remains a living, actionable guide for humanity.

For example, the Quran addresses intoxicants in stages: first acknowledging their benefits and harms (2:219), then prohibiting their consumption during prayer (4:43), and finally forbidding them entirely (5:90-91). Without the chronological and contextual insights provided by the Sunnah, these verses might appear contradictory. The Sunnah clarifies that intoxicants were gradually prohibited, reflecting a measured approach to societal reform.

The Sunnah transforms the Quran from a collection of divine verses into a comprehensive, practical, and dynamic guide for life. It provides the framework for understanding and implementing the Quran’s teachings, ensuring Islam remains a cohesive and enduring system of belief and practice. Without the Sunnah, the Quran was in danger of becoming a text without contextual meaning, and its profound guidance was concealed by uncertainty.

Obey God and Obey the Prophet (PBUH)

The Quran repeatedly commands Muslims to obey both God and the Messenger. This command appeared in over forty instances, permanently coupling obedience to God with obedience to the Messenger. Notably, there are verses where the instruction to “obey the Messenger” is mentioned independently, highlighting the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) unique authority.

Some argue that obeying the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) equates to following the Quran. However, this interpretation contradicts verses such as: “When it is said to them, ‘Come to what Allah has revealed and to the Messenger,’ you see the hypocrites turning away from you in aversion” (Quran 4:61). The verse distinctly separates what has been revealed by Allah from the authority of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) commands. This separation underscores that both are authoritative sources, each requiring adherence.

A critical verse, Quran 4:59, further solidifies this point: O you who believe, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. If you differ in anything, refer it to Allah and His Messenger. If you believe in Allah and the Last Day, that is a better and more suitable interpretation. Ibn al-Qayyim observed that the command to obey is explicitly repeated for Allah and His Messenger (PBUH) but not for those in authority, indicating that their obedience is conditional upon alignment with divine guidance. Since direct consultation with the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is no longer possible, this verse implies returning to his preserved teachings, the Hadith.

Ibn Ḥazm clarified that “referring” to Allah and His Messenger (PBUH) cannot imply physical consultation. It signifies turning to Allah’s revealed word, the Quran, and the Messenger’s recorded teachings in the Sunnah. This understanding establishes that even after the Prophet’s passing, His authority endures through the preserved Hadiths.

The Messenger as a Legislator

The Quran designates the Prophet (PBUH) as a legislator with binding authority: “It is not befitting for a believing male or female, when Allah and His Messenger have decided a matter, that they should have any choice about their decision. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger has gone astray into manifest error” (Quran 33:36). Muḥammad Taqi Usmani notes that the conjunction “and” in this verse carries both combined and independent meanings, affirming the binding nature of decisions made by either Allah or His Messenger (PBUH).

Furthermore, the Quran explicitly condemns attempts to separate obedience to Allah from obedience to His Messengers: “Those who disbelieve in Allah and His Messengers and wish to separate between Allah and His Messengers, saying: ‘We believe in some and disbelieve in others,’ and desire to take a middle course, they are truly disbelievers” (Quran 4:150–151). As explained by Muḥammad Ismaill al-Salafi, this separation does not refer to their distinct natures but to the refusal to obey both equally. Disobedience to the Messenger constitutes a rejection of Allah’s command, as the Messenger (PBUH) conveys divine guidance.


The necessity of Hadith is firmly rooted in two undeniable truths. First, the Quran’s meaning cannot be fully grasped without the explanatory context provided by the Sunnah. Attempts to understand the Quran in isolation have invariably fallen short, as even proponents of such approaches eventually rely on elements of the Hadith. The Quran presupposes its reader’s familiarity with the Prophet’s life and teachings, making the Sunnah crucial for interpreting its verses.

Second, the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) authority as a legislator, teacher, and expounder of the Quran is explicitly established within the Quran itself. The command to follow the Messenger (PBUH) is not a scholarly innovation but a divine directive. Together, the Quran and Sunnah form a cohesive framework, complementing the other to guide humanity. Rejecting the Hadith undermines not only the understanding of the Quran but also the holistic message of Islam.


Ibn Ḥazm, Al-Iḥkam fi Uṣul al-Aḥkam, 121-124.
Yusuf Talal DeLorenzo, Imam Bukhari’s Book of Muslim Morals and Manners (Alexandria: Al-Saadawi Publications, 1997)
T. Nichols, Death of Expertise, 115-120.
Ibn Ḥazm, Al-Iḥkam fi Uṣul al-Aḥkam, 87-88.
M. Usmani, The Authority of Sunnah, pp. 48-49.
Muḥammad Ismai al-Salafī. Ḥujjiyyat al-Ḥadīth al-Nabawī Majmuʻ Maqalat Nafisa fil-Difa ʿan al-Sunnah al-Sharīfa. Edited by Ḥasan Muqtaḍa. (Kuwait: Ghirās, 2007), 51-52.


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